It was probably a wedding of Solomon that is pictured in Psalm 45 {1}, but Psalm 45 is Holy Scripture, and like the rest of real Holy Scripture, it was God breathed, God directed by His precious Spirit. And, like most other passages, it abounds with truth and touches upon more than one realm. For example, Psalm 45 poetically presents a historical event, but it also prophetically spoke of Christ, the Messiah, and His Bride, the Church (Jewish and Gentile disciples), His Assembly. After the introduction, verses 2 to 9 present Messiah (Christ) and verses 10-17 His Bride.
Again, like most
other passages, there is an abundance of truth for correction, direction and blessing. But years back, in the first church we pastored, I was drawn only to verse 7. My Father gave me permission to reuse the outline, but desired me to add verse 8, which also carries a beautiful nugget of truth. Nevertheless in my heart and mind the centerpiece is where it is written, “Therefore God, Your God, has anointed You with the oil of joy . . .”. Oil, used in those days for light, some sacrifices, anointing and more, is an emblem of the Holy Spirit Who directs and empowers true disciples of Christ. So, we will see the following from Psalm 45:7-8 in regard to God’s joyous oil of power.I. Our Part 7a
“You love righteousness, and hate wickedness: . . .” -- AKJV
While verses 7 and 8 address the Messiah (Christ) we must keep in mind that if a person is truly saved they become one with Him. So, however Christ is, that is how a true disciple is to be, and His follower will also do what He did and would do. This happens because one that truly trusts in Him is crucified (Galatians 2:20) and risen with Him (Colossians 2:12).
Immediately once we come to Christ we ought to love what He loves and righteousness is a top priority in that realm. Righteousness is a right standing before God, and what He calls right. Although we are declared righteous upon salvation, we are to continue to seek His righteousness (Matthew 6:33). This is accomplished in a relationship with God through Jesus Christ by knowing and studying His written Word (the Holy Bible), and living it through the life of Christ within along with being directed by the Holy Spirit as the spoken Word.
This will develop His holiness within us so that we live godly in private and public. It will change the way we look at things, so that we look at things His ways. We should love His righteousness and rejoice when we see any of it develop in our fellow disciples’ lives.
And, despite what the milk toast love preachers and teachers say, we are also to hate, and in this verse it is wickedness (iniquity, sin) at the top of that list. Before spiritually killing us, wickedness will impede spiritual fruit and works.
Satan is the foundation of wickedness, and since the fall of Adam wickedness has deeply infected society and is growing worse. We are to hate any wickedness from the world, as well as from those around us whether they are unsaved or saved from sin (but spiritually weak). We are to hate it from anyone, including family. Note verse 10 (AKJV), “Listen, O daughter, and consider, and incline your ear; forget also your own people, and your father’s house.”
We also certainly must hate any wickedness from our own self. We need to confess it and, by His Holy Spirit, purge ourselves as we are admonished in 1 John 3:1-10. In many cases it could be said that the devil is not our enemy, but our own self is. By God’s Spirit we must watch over ourselves until we graduate from this world.
II. His Part 7b
“. . . therefore God, your God, has anointed you with the oil of gladness above your fellows.”
Notice “therefore God” then “your God.” First, as we trust Him through Christ, God, “The Existing One”, grants us His holiness and sustains that holiness provided we remain in Him. This is the main goal, His holiness. The “your God” speaks to us that if we are in Him He knows our every flaw, meets our every spiritual need, and uses our progress in Him to further build us up for His glory.
Before I continue, I feel prompted by the Holy Spirit to repeat what I wrote above about our text, verses 7 and 8: We must keep in mind that if a person is truly saved they become one with Him, so however Christ is, that is how a true disciple is to be, and His follower will also do what He did and would do. Christ is our God ordained connection to God, enabling each disciple to truly say in His righteousness that the Father is “my God.”
With that, since Christ was anointed by the Father we are too, for it is written in 2 Corinthians 1:21, “Now He who establishes us with you in Christ and anointed us is God.” Anointing here speaks of many things like empowered holy separation from the world and unto God, being commissioned to serve Him. Anyone truly making Christ their Savior and Lord is elevated because of Christ to become not only a true child of God, but a king and priest of His.
The oil of gladness speaks of the power of Christ in one’s life when they permit joy, a fruit of the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22), to flow through them. Olive oil was used in some of the Jewish sacrifices and was also used for light. As a disciple yields to the growth and flow of the Holy Spirit there ought to be a level of joy even in difficult or painful situations. It is written in James 1:2, “Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials." As you can see, this can tie in with sacrifices because we are to offer sacrifices of praise unto Him.
The final phrase of verse 7, “above your fellows,” speaks to the fact that the joy from the Holy Spirit is far better than any earthly joy because it carries into eternity. And it does not go alone with you into eternity because the verses after James 1:2 (verses 3 and 4) show that persevering through “. . . the testing of your faith produces endurance. And let endurance have its perfect result, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.”
III. The Power 8
“All your garments smell of myrrh, and aloes, and cassia, out of the ivory palaces, whereby they have made you glad.”
“Myrrh, and aloes, and cassia are
all thy garments; out of ivory palaces stringed instruments have made thee glad.” -- Jewish Publication Society (JPS)We have noted that oil is an emblem of the Holy Spirit and for this message the anointing with the oil of gladness, joy, is the focus. Yet, we must remember that God is One. The Holy Spirit does not act on His own as did the Son did not act on His own but was directed by the Father. In this last verse we see the Godhead at work blessing those that surrender to Him with the righteousness of Christ upon the authority of the Father with the empowerment of the Holy Ghost (Spirit).
The Righteousness Of Christ
Look closely at the comparison above between the New American Standard Bible (NASB) and the rendering by the JPS. Albert Barnes {4} notes “smell” is not in the original so the JPS in this case has more accurately expressed what God laid upon the psalmist to write. The focus is upon what comprises our, if we are truly redeemed, spiritual covering. When one truly surrenders to God through Christ they are given the life of Christ and are so blessed with Christ’s righteousness, described here as being of myrrh, aloes, and cassia.
Myrrh, obtained by making an incision in the bark of a tree, speaks of suffering. Think of the sufferings of Christ whether social, physical, spiritual and anything else. Aloes in this verse does not mean the medicinal plant, but a costly sweet smelling wood {2}. Spiritually, there is no sweeter “tree" than the cross of Christ where the Son took our sin and our punishment. Cassia in this verse is a plant that “has purple flowers and lives at a very high altitude. This speaks of the dignity of Christ’s royal character manifested in the believer as kings unto God.” {3}
Authority From The Father
With the mention of palaces, I must think that Jesus said (John 14:2), “In My Father's house are many dwelling places; if it were not so, I would have told you; for I go to prepare a place for you.” Ivory would speak of two things, viz., strength and purity. Many authorities have strength but too few have purity. Additionally, with the fact that the garments are mentioned, I am reminded that they who receive Christ receive authority to become the children of God (John 1:12). I am also reminded that upon the return of the prodigal son he was clothed with “the best robe” (Luke 15:22).
Empowerment By The Holy Spirit
When it comes to the last section of verse 8 once again look at the comparison of the two translations above. The “whereby” of the NASB, which is also found in the Authorized, King James, and New King James versions is actually “stringed instruments.” I do not know why it was translated that way in those and other versions but I would prefer the more literal.
First, stringed instruments were used to facilitate praise unto God. Many a true Christian will tell you that though they might have an abundance of problems, worship and praise of God not only brings peace, but clarity of mind and openness to the leading of the Holy Spirit. Letting the Holy Spirit flow through us in praise and worship to God gives us the spiritual strength to persevere in Him.
Logically the stringed instruments would be in tune and working together, and, of course, within the Godhead there are never any problems. However, for us, we must endeavor to be in tune and remain in tune with God, never adding or taking away from His Word. We also must endeavor to work together with God for the furtherance of His kingdom.
Psalm 45:7-8 speaks of a blessed way of living that God desires for each person. There are many disappointments and sorrows in this world that can weigh us down and tire us. But in Him we can always be refreshed and have a life of purpose with a multitude of blessings here and for all eternity.
This is great power, and most importantly is saving power, for it carries into eternity. In our big world there are some that relish seeing what could be at times the real move of God with miracles. However, we must be reminded that saving power is not from miracles, but from the life of Christ that produces the fruit of the Holy Spirit within us.
{1} Scroggie, W. Graham: The Psalms (Fleming H. Revell Company, Old Tappan N.J.: 1972) p259
{2} Peloubet, F. N. assisted by Adams, Alice D. : Peloubet’s Bible Dictionary (Universal Book & Bible House : 1925), p26
{3} Beuttler, Walter: The Priesthood (Not copyrighted, unknown publisher)
{4} From an electronic version of Barnes’ Notes, by Albert Barnes, incorporated into the Online Bible computer program.
This article was written in the form of a sermon (message) outline with comments. God willing by May 31, 2017 (hopefully much sooner), you should be able to hear the actual message (sermon) by selecting a link at .
Unless otherwise noted all Holy Scripture is from the New American Standard Bible changing LORD to YHVH as it rightly should be when the text so indicates. * = For other versions the spelling of some words is updated for our time in addition to changing LORD to YHVH as it rightly should be when the text so indicates.
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Learn more about the Holy Spirit and how to be filled to overflowing with Him. Please read Baptism Of Blessing At .