In this turbulent world some look for peace in various ways. Many think they have actually found it, but unless they have found what God offers it will not last for eternity. With that, some might think they do have what God gives, but unless it is squarely founded on the Word of God they are just fooling themselves.
The Holy Bible has much to say about peace. Consider this passage from Colossians 1:19-23 where peace is spoken of in verse 20:
“For it was the Father's good pleasure for all the fullness to dwell in Him, 20 and through Him to
reconcile all things to Himself, having made peace through the blood of His cross; through Him, I say, whether things on earth or things in heaven. 21 And although you were formerly alienated and hostile in mind, engaged in evil deeds, 22 yet He has now reconciled you in His fleshly body through death, in order to present you before Him holy and blameless and beyond reproach-- 23 if indeed you continue in the faith firmly established and steadfast, and not moved away from the hope of the gospel that you have heard, which was proclaimed in all creation under heaven, and of which I, Paul, was made a minister."While only verse 20 mentions peace, we can derive five directives from verses 19 to 23 to acquire and maintain God’s wondrous peace.
I. Behold The Wisdom Of God 19
“For it was the Father's good pleasure for all the fullness to dwell in Him,”
While much could be said about this fulness, suffice it for now for us to focus upon the fact all the moral qualities of God that we need to please the Father are found only in Jesus Christ. It is written in 2 Peter 1:3-4, “His divine power has granted to us everything pertaining to life and godliness, through the true knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and excellence. 4 For by these He has granted to us His precious and magnificent promises, so that by them you may become partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world by lust.”
Since all the fulness dwells in Christ we do not need the supposed grace and help of past saints like Mary or Joseph. No church, no human organization, no other person can adequately provide what we need to please God and therefore have peace with Him. It should also be thought that a church does not need any special programs or adaptations to meet the need of any generation. This verse and a few others show that God had things planned out way before creation and that plan included the cross.
II. Embrace The Cross of Christ 20
“and through Him to reconcile all things to Himself, having made peace through the blood of His cross; through Him, I say, whether things on earth or things in heaven."
Again, much can be said about the Father reconciling all things to Himself through the Son, but our focus for this message is going to be the peace that can be ours now and what we can have throughout all eternity. It begins with the unsavory fact that each of us are sinners and we deserve the wrath of the Father. However, the finished work of Christ offers reconciliation to each of us. A person enters into full reconciliation when they surrender to God through Christ. This is the foundation of true, enduring peace.
Surrendering to God through Christ brings peace between God and us because Christ paid the full penalty for everyone’s sins. It also brings peace because upon our true surrender we are crucified with Christ and raised with Him. This satisfies the Father. We die to self, sin, and the world and we live unto God through the faithfulness of Christ.
True peace is more than just a good feeling. The true peace of God is not the absence of external disturbances, but an inward trusting calmness and meekness, based upon the written Word of God, the finished work of Christ, and regeneration by the Holy Spirit. Also, going through a trouble, or a series of troubles is not necessarily an indicator of being out of the will of God. And, the absence of trouble is not necessarily and indicator of being in the will of God. However, the peace is lessened when we tamper with sin.
Later in Colossians 3:15a we read, “Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, . . .". If we are truly saved, truly redeemed, Christ within us will rule our hearts. “The blood of His cross” speaks to us that the true peace of God is not getting what we want, but being in, and doing, God’s will. The true peace of God includes making whatever God likes and hates to become our likes and hates. In one aspect, the blood of Christ can allude to the soul of Christ. Once we come to Christ we must learn to match our soul to His soul.
The true peace of God is strengthened when we let vengeance belong to God (Deuteronomy 32:35, Romans 12:19, Hebrews 10:30). Many of us have been victims of injustices. However, in trusting God we must rest in the fact that all unresolved wrongs will somehow and at some point be taken care of in Christ. Either those who have wronged us will convert to Christ or they will meet some punitive judgment from Him. Trusting in God we ought to forgive them in our hearts and carry on for God.
I and many others have done this, and I personally endeavor to continue doing it. I do not write that to uplift myself, but it seems there are some that think a pastor is someone who has never had any injustices done to them. However, permit me to mention someone more well-known. Joyce Meyer had been abused by a relative, but after she came to Christ there came a point in her life where she felt God dealing with her to forgive that man and even let him stay with her in his dying days. She obeyed. He did surrender to Christ before he died, but the point is that Joyce would have had little peace if she did not yield to the will of God.
One thing that might help anyone with hurts in their life is for them to realize it is not about them, but about God! {1} Think of the time King David had a series of sins ranging from simply not going out to war when he should have but, instead, watched a
woman bathe, to outright murder of that woman’s husband after David got her pregnant. While in deep sorrowful repentance David was moved upon by the Holy Spirit to write (Psalm 51:4), “Against You, You only, I have sinned And done what is evil in Your sight, . . .”. How could that be? It is because those affected by his sin, Bathsheba, Uriah the Hittite, the baby that died, and others, were all made in the image of God.And, think of Joseph in Genesis, way before Christ was born, and centuries before Moses was led of the Holy Spirit to write Holy Scripture. He was terribly treated by his brothers, falsely accused of attempted rape, and forgotten in prison for a time. However, note very well, lay it definitely to heart, that he wholeheartedly forgave his brothers. He did this before Christ was born and before Moses was used of God to write Holy Scripture. How much more, if we are truly saved, should we realize within ourselves that we are not in the place of God, and by His grace and strength, and so that we may have the true peace of God, forgive wrongs done to us and press on in Christ?
As we do press on in Christ, as we walk in Him while on earth, we must be ever conscious of His presence within. The true peace of God strengthens us as we trust God in trouble, even if we have been victimized. Through Christ within we must trust God, “And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:7).
III. Rest In Reconciliation 21-22b
“And although you were formerly alienated and hostile in mind, engaged in evil deeds, 22 yet He has now reconciled you in His fleshly body through death, . . ."
Once someone truly surrenders to God through Christ their past no longer has to haunt them. This is because they are crucified with Christ and buried with Him, but are alive through Him in newness of life. God’s judgment upon them is passed because Christ took it, having paid the full penalty.
This is a wonderful rest, but beware if you tamper with sin, even in just your thoughts. It is written in Romans 8:5-10, “For those who are according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who are according to the Spirit, the things of the Spirit. 6 For the mind set on the flesh is death, but the mind set on the Spirit is life and peace, 7 because the mind set on the flesh is hostile toward God; for it does not subject itself to the law of God, for it is not even able to do so, 8 and those who are in the flesh cannot please God. 9 However, you are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God dwells in you. But if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Him. 10 If Christ is in you, though the body is dead because of sin, yet the spirit is alive because of righteousness.”
IV. Focus On The Goal 22c-g
“. . . in order to present you before Him holy and blameless and beyond reproach--"
In all ways, keep the peace of God found only in Christ. Therein is release of burdens, forgiveness of sins, burial of the past, and much more. Remember the Holy Scriptures I presented above that show the peace of Christ is to rule and guard our hearts. By His grace alone we are made holy, blameless and beyond reproach, both positionally and experientially.
V. Faithfully Follow Through 23
“if indeed you continue in the faith firmly established and steadfast, and not moved away from the hope of the gospel that you have heard, which was proclaimed in all creation under heaven, . . .”
Though He has promised never to leave or forsake us to the end of this age, we must endeavor to remain in Him (John 15:1-6). We can follow this final verse by continuously worshiping Him, speaking with Him (prayer), reading, memorizing, studying His Word, obeying Him and serving Him, and more. We should love Him so much that we will not move away from Him despite temptation or troubles. In this way we will have His peace now, and throughout all eternity.
{1} Please read, “It Is Not About You Or Me, It Is All About God” at
This article was written in the form of a sermon (message) outline with concise comments. Much more could have been brought out on each verse, but the purpose was to focus upon the peace of God that is made available to us by Him. God willing by June 30, 2017 (hopefully much sooner), you should be able to hear the actual message (sermon) by selecting a link at .
Unless otherwise noted all Holy Scripture is from the New American Standard Bible changing LORD to YHVH as it rightly should be when the text so indicates and adding “(The Existing One)” to readily express the meaning of His Name without making repeated explanations in articles. * = For other versions the spelling of some words is updated for our time in addition to changing LORD to YHVH as it rightly should be when the text so indicates.
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