Salvation in Christ is much more than “fire insurance” from hell. I would say the biggest blessing is having a close relationship with God through Christ. If anyone takes my basic Christianity course they will learn right in the first lesson that true Christianity is based upon love between the disciple and God made possible through the finished work of salvation by Jesus Christ.
In this love relationship with God through Christ each disciple makes up part of “The Bride Of Christ,” somewhat described in Ephesians 5:25-27. The Hebrew poetical work inspired by the Holy Spirit that is usually titled “Song
of Solomon” prefigures this truth. Solomon in this work, which in my opinion is most likely a play, prefigures Christ. The woman who is the focus of his love can represent the Church. Yet, in almost every message I preach from Song of Solomon I bring it back down to the basic truth of a loving relationship with each individual Christian and God, because the Church is comprised of individual disciples.As we start reading Song of Solomon, in verses 7 to 10 of chapter 1 we see an endearing exchange between Solomon and his wife that describes an earlier time in their lives. This could be looked at as when one first comes to Christ, and the desires expressed by his wife should remain, and increase, as one continues to walk with Him. We should always consider Christ to be the best, and our “one and only.” Let us look at this endearing exchange in the following way.
I. Her Desires 7
“Tell me, O you whom my soul loves, Where do you pasture your flock, Where do you make it lie down at noon? For why should I be like one who veils herself Beside the flocks of your companions?”
I see seven desires expressed by the Shulamite that ought to be the desires of everyone, even the unsaved, because God has given us His best through the Son and the world certainly offers nothing better. “Tell me" is the first desire expressed and shows that each of us has the need to hear from the Son. Sometime back I did a message on that so for further elaboration please see my article, “To Hear The Voice Of God" {1}.
The second desire is seen in the term “O you whom my soul loves". Everyone needs God through Christ in their life. They might not realize this or think they have fulfilled that need through religion or by some other means. However, the whole counsel of God directs us to the truth that only Christ as the Way can truly and righteously satisfy this need. Once we do come to Christ our soul, the place of our affections, we desire Christ more and more. After some time the spiritually growing disciple finds they are continuously thinking about and talking with God. The luster of the things of earth, even the legitimate ones, fades.
“Where do you pasture your flock" speaks to us of provision in all areas. Foundationally that provision is spiritual, but as time goes on he that remains in Christ finds that Jesus will meet all of our needs if we let Him. However, the intent here is primarily spiritual. John 10, John 6:32-64, and a number of other passages give further insight. It is most important to know that only Jesus Christ can truly meet that need, and no other “source” or any other “source” in combination with Christ.
Two desires are expressed in the question, “Where do you make it lie down at noon?". The first would be protection. While the Shulamite's question speaks of the physical day it points us to the fact that those who remain in Christ are protected from the spiritual heat of the world. “Lie down", of course, addresses rest. When someone truly surrenders to Christ they find rest for their souls.
Identity and purpose are the focus of the last question, “For why should I be like one who veils herself Beside the flocks of your companions?" When someone truly becomes born again they are a redeemed child of God among many other things that God decrees each disciple to be. They also then have true lasting purpose, because a disciple, out of love for God, is to do many things in Christ such as worshiping, communing with God, interceding, witnessing, and obeying Him.
II. His Directives 8
“If you yourself do not know, Most beautiful among women, Go forth on the trail of the flock And pasture your young goats By the tents of the shepherds.”
Solomon’s response is twofold which brings out a twofold general directive for our time in regard to meeting the desires indicated in verse 7. Because this is a play the immediate application for our time is somewhat general and must be understood in the light of the entirety of the Holy Bible. In other words, in regard to following the footsteps of the flock it needs to be understood that this must be the true flock of God.
The true flock of God is not any single denomination or fellowship. The true flock are those who are truly born again and exhibit the fruit of the Holy Spirit and works of Christ. These are individuals that will be found in numerous denominations and fellowship. Because they are individual disciples they are growing at different speeds. However, they all have the following in common:
“Go forth on the trail of the flock And pasture your young goats By the tents of the shepherds” indicates those that are truly surrendered to God through Christ will somehow lead others to Him. The shepherds should have the same qualifications just mentioned of the flock. “The tents of the shepherds" speaks to the point that the teachers, preachers, and other ministers of the Body of Christ must be dependent upon God whether they are part of a denomination or not.
Also, pasturing, or feeding as some translations have it, indicates we are to do the will of God by edifying others in Christ. In the Hebrew, the little goats are actually young female goats which means those that we bring to Christ will also do these same things if they are truly in Him.
III. His Devotion 9-10
“To me, my darling, you are like My mare among the chariots of Pharaoh. 10 Your cheeks are lovely with ornaments, Your neck with strings of beads.”
When we are saved and remain in Christ, the Father sees the Son in us and encourages us to grow into Christ. The personal pronoun “My” in “My mare” expresses the loving blessing that a true disciple of Christ belongs to Him. Also, “you are like My mare among the chariots of Pharaoh", speaks of the strength and victory of Christ as He lives through us and we permit Him to direct our lives {3}.
“Your cheeks are lovely with ornaments” points to the life of Christ within the believer that testifies to others the blessings, pleasures, and treasures of God. “Your neck with strings of beads" speaks of Holy Spirit direction that brings forth fruit and the works of Christ in a walk with God refined unto holiness.
God desires to pour out His full love upon each person. His agape love is extended to all through the life of Christ and beckons each person to come into full fellowship with Him so they may also be blessed with His phileo love. Those that enjoy both of His loves are part of the Bride of Christ.
{1} To read the article, or / and hear the message, “To Hear The Voice Of God” please see this link: .
{2} Used in the proper traditional sensible sense, denoting all people, male and female. I could not care less about being politically correct.
{3} This is a deep and tender point. For more information please read and/or listen to
Let King Jesus Lovingly Triumph In You by selecting your link of choice at .
This article was written in the form of a sermon (message) outline with comments. God willing by August 22, 2017 (hopefully much sooner), you should be able to hear the actual message (sermon) by selecting a link at .
Unless otherwise noted all Holy Scripture is from the New American Standard Bible changing LORD to YHVH as it rightly should be when the text so indicates and adding “(The Existing One)” to readily express the meaning of His Name without making repeated explanations in articles. * = For other versions the spelling of some words is updated for our time in addition to changing LORD to YHVH as it rightly should be when the text so indicates.
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